YEAR: 1902

The Boer War ends.

The first narrative film, A Trip To The Moon, is made.


YEAR: 1901

The Nobel prize is first awarded.

Gugliemo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio message.


YEAR: 1900

Boxer Rebellion in China.

The Zeppelin makes its maiden flight.

Blood groups are discovered.


YEAR: 1895

Wilhelm Konrad von Rontgen discovers X-rays.

The Lumiere brothers open the first public cinema in Paris.


YEAR: 1890

William Smith invents the first washing machine for clothes.


YEAR: 1889

German Rudolf Diesel invents the Diesel engine.


YEAR: 1886

Gottlieb Daimler patents the motor car.


YEAR: 1885

Karl Benz makes the first motorcycle.


YEAR: 1884

Thomas Edison builds the world's first electric power station in New York.

George Eastman invents roll film for cameras.


YEAR: 1883


Krakatoa erupts, at least 36,000 deaths were attributed to the eruption and the tsunamis it created.

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