CLICK HERE TO GO BACK YEAR: 1994SYDNEY - WEONA WARRIOR The training and driving skills of New South Wales horseman Brian Hancock, a former coalminer who had already etched himself into Australian harness racing history, enabled him to score an upset win in the 1994 Inter Dominion Pacers Grand Final in Sydney with Weona Warrior. Ultra Jet finished second with Valley Champ next home.
YEAR: 1997OUR SIR VANCEALOT The title of Inter Dominion Champion for 1997 went to Our Sir Vancelot but the star of the show was his trainer Brian Hancock. Having previously trained two winners, namely Thorate and Weona Warrior, Brain was looking to become the first trainer in Inter Dominion history to achieve the treble. In what could only be described as daring tactics Brian rushed Our Sir Vancelot to the lead and then shot clear before the home turn. Although he tired near the finish and had to await the result of a very close photo finish with Rainbow Knight, he claimed the victory, and clearly established the Inter Dominion series as one that belonged to master trainer Brain Hancock. |