CLICK HERE TO GO BACK YEAR: 1996PERTH - YOUNG MISTER CHARLES Driver Peter Morris, trainer Garry Hancock and Young Mister Charles' proud owners all had their day in the sun when they took out the 1996 Inter Dominion Grand Final after having been disqualified from a placing in the final the previous year as a result of a positive swab. Young Mister Charles held out Sunshine Band and the gallant New Zealander Master Musician and grabbed the winner’s purse of $250,000.
YEAR: 1995 | Golden Reign outfinishes Victor Supreme | CHRISTCHURCH - GOLDEN REIGN In what could easily be described as the most controversial Inter Dominion of them all Victorian Golden Reign scored from Victor Supreme and Young Mister Charles. Golden Reign had to survive a protest from Anthony Butt for alleged interference to local mare Blossom lady before being declared the winner while both placed horses were later disqualified for returning positive swabs.